BELKYRA® is an innovative injection treatment for both men and women who want to permanently reduce the
appearance of a mild to moderate “double chin”, (that is, the fat area under the mandible), without surgery. BELKYRA®
is the first and only Health Canada approved injectable treatment for this purpose, meeting research-based, safety requirements. It is not recommended for the treatment of severe fat accumulation in the chin and neck.
How does BELKYRA® work?
The active ingredient in BELKYRA® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Once it is injected into the skin under the submental chin area, BELKYRA® targets and eliminates fat cells when injected into the area under your chin over a period of 6-8 weeks. Many patients treated with BELKYRA® experience visible improvement with 2 – 4 treatments. Very rarely, up to a maximum of 6 treatments are needed to achieve ideal results.
How is BELKYRA® administered?
BELKYRA® is given in a series of small injections into the skin under the chin, requiring about 15-20mins to complete. It is relatively painless, but some burning sensation within the first 15-20 mins is expected and desired.
What are the side effects and is there downtime?
For most people, the downtime is minimal and occurs most after the first treatment session. As with other injectible treatments, you may experience some post-op transient pain, bruising and numbness under the chin after the procedure. . In most cases, the use of ice packs will make the injection procedure completely tolerable without using topical anaesthetic creams. In clinical trials, mild burning pain after treatment was gone within 15-30 minutes of treatment.
However, the main side-effect from the procedure is immediate swelling in the area due to injecting fluid under the chin, and later, due to inflammation as the fat cells melt down and are disposed by the immune system. Therefore, it is important to expect that things will look worse, before it gets better. Given that the result is permanent without surgery, the side effects are insignificant.
How much does it cost?
BELKYRA® injections require a minimum of 2 to 4 treatments to have efficacy to reduce a double chin depending on the size of the area to be treated. The maximum number of treatments is six, according to the approved guidelines. At Kalon Wellness, MD Laser Skin Clinic, we charge $2200 for the first 2 sessions (spaced 6-8 weeks apart), and $800 for any subsequent treatments, up to a maximum of 6.
For more information and an assessment if BELKYRA therapy is the right treatment for you, please call us for a consultation with our trained medical professional.